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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Koda: 2 , Ecuador: Alot

When an exchange student gets the chance to do something he or she  knows best, they jump on the opportunity. This is because they're usually treated or seen as these naive clueless kids because we're always asking how to say the simplest thigns or always asking what we should do or how or these types of things. It sounds stupid but because of this they will ask you if you know how to do the simplest things, and you just want give em a little slap on the face and say "I'm not dumb." But instead you say oh yeah i know how. So like i said, when you get the chance to do something you're good at you want to show that you're not dumb, incapable or lost and kind of in a little way, shape or form, rub it in their face. So with that being said, a week or two ago i got a few chances to display my briliance and talent. The first was in math class (which is the math that I did like 3 or 4 years ago, so its really easy for me) there was a few hard problems where the teacher gives in class and the first few to get it done correctly gets a point on the next text or some reward like that. So in this one day I was the first done with all of them and got all the free points and extra credit, even though i dont need them. All my classmates were like KODA! how can you do this ?(reference to the response i wanted to say above) but simply just said i already did this a few years ago. One of the problems no one could get and i was the only to actually get it done. So score 1 for Takoda! The next event that week was during our little recesses. For the first time since I've been here i saw an american football. Some kids were throwing it in the courtyard area. I was watching and laughing at how bad they were but i wasnt just going to over and be like hold on let me show you, that would be rude. So i just sat by quietly until butterfingers dropped yet another ball and it rolled over to me. So calm and collected i picked it up and threw across to the other kid in a nice spiral right at him. They all turned and just stared in amazement. So they told me to come over and throw with them. So of course i did and they were all like how do you do that. And my answer was just I'm from america, if you went there and picked up a soccer ball, itd be the same for you. So i taught them all how to throw a spiral.With both situations what was so cool wasnt the fact of actually doing it, but being able to show others how and helping them. Because this is the feeling you rarely see as an exchanger, you're always teh follower and being taught. So being able to teach others and have them look to me for guidance was a really cool feeling that i hope i can continue in other activities. Score 2 for Takoda!
       Also that week was Thanksgiving which was really cool to share with my friends and family here. I had asked if we could have a nice dinner and of course my family was on board and we invited some of my good friends as well. So we had a nice roasted chicken (its impossible to find turkey here. Its a thing of imagination), mashed potatos, a salad, and my friends brought a delicious peacan pie. So that was a really special dinner for them to in a way honor me by being there and sharing it with me. Definitely a thanksgiving I won't ever forget. As for the homesickness part during the holidays, its not really there. I honestly didn't even think of thanksgiving until a day or two before. And with the family gatherings back home I didn't really feel to homesick surprisingly. I still love you guys, but i have a great family as well as great friends here that really help me and make it easier for me.
       There was also for school an iniciation of some sort for the 7th graders. We all got matched up with one or two of them and it was a day of games at a park and having tons of fun. The point of the day is to get your little buddy as dirty as possible via eggs, dirt, paint, ect.. And at the end we make this disgusting mixture in a kiddy pool. It was gelatine, milk, water of course, ketchup, mustard, mayo, hair gel, eggs, onions, dirt, flour, rice, coke, spit, and a bunch of other stuff i have no clue what it was. So at the end they all wlak in a line and a group of us are dressed like tribal people and we have this kiddy pool in front of us and with branches fron the trees we use them like a paint bruch and cover these kids in this nasty fluid. Then theres someone who throws flour in there face and spraying coke all over them. Its pretty much hazing, but the kids love it. They went through 3 times each. So the whole thing is to welcome them to the school pretty much because its 7-12 grade. So after we finished that the president of our class was about to give them a little speech but all the kids and my friends started chanting KODA! KODA! KODA! and i was like oh jeez this is bad. So because I'm new as well they had me walk through and get the same treatment and it wasnt too bad until i started to walk away and my friends pickes up the whole kiddy pool with everything left inside and comes up behind me and puts it on my head and then hugs me and wrapps me in it. It was nastyyyy. But it was a great day cause i finally got to deal with little kids again which i love so much. I dancing and just goofing with all of them. it was great. It was a great week

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