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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4 months...are you serious?

           Well actually 4 months and a week now, but still unbelievable. As I think of its now, I’m only a month away from my mid way point of my year. That’s ridiculous, and really sad to think about. I know it’s still a whole lot of time, but not if it passes as fast as the past 4 months have. Anyways heres my update on Ecuadorian life. To sum it up in a nutshell. It’s great. I literally can’t think of a single complaint I have of this amazing place. I love everything about it. I’m so close to all my friends and family now they feel like I’ve had them all my life. It’s starting to feel like this is my life and home here and back home in Vermont is just a memory. Weird. Anyways now actually being able to talk with people and understand just about anything it makes things much better, because now I can take part in decisions or conversation and actually speak up. I also get more of just whats going on around me, so I love that part. Still dancing and playing tennis every week and at school I was actually just pretty much forced to play basketball for their club. I think they figure because I’m tall and American I must be awesome at basketball…wrong. Well at least that’s a wrong statement back in the states, but here they all suck, lets be honest {Just like I do at soccer compared to them) so I get to model my mediocre basketball skills in an upcoming tournament later in January. So that should be fun. As for my family, I really fell part of it and they include me in everything including choirs or things like that which I really don’t mind what so ever. It’s the least I can do for them for taking me in for a year.
            Last week on Friday, all of my senior class and I went to a poor children’s school to spend time with them for Christmas. Each of us brought a bag of candy, an article of clothing, and a gift and then we got to give them to our buddies face to face which was so great to see their reactions. Like I think I said in an earlier post, I don’t really get to interact and deal with younger kids like I do back home teaching tennis and just with family friends. And I really miss that. I’d have to say kids are what I love most after tennis, and if not tied with tennis. So all these kids had different presentations for us like dances and singing and stuff and it was super cute. They sang “Santa Claus is coming to town” in English, which I thought was amazing for their age in a poor school, and all my friends push me up there so I sat next to them all and sang with them and it was a really cool moment. I think the coolest thing of that day though was to sit with the kids as they received, and opened their gifts. They were all sooo excited and to see their faces bright up like that almost solidifies in me that what ever I end up doing in life, its going to be dealing with young kids. So that was a great day that I’m sure I will remember for a very long time.
            What else.  The dates and info for our next rotary trip came out. The next trip is to the amazon for 4 days and 3 nights in this eco lodge in the jungle. I’m so excited and can’t wait. My group is going the 20th -23rd of January. So that’s the next thing I’m really looking forward to, Besides Christmas. Which I’ll tell you all about after the fact because it going to be a lot to say. So until then, Feliz Navidad y Propero Año Nuevo.

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