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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Festivals of Quito

 This past week was the festivals of Quito, and there is a HUGE amount of, not only country, but city pride here in Quito. So with teh festivals theres a week of bull fights, parades, family gatherings, concerts and tons of special events in the city. I went to my first bull fight, and then 3 others in the past week. I never knew they were so popular in Ecuador or south america. I always thought only in Europe for the most part, but yet again, i was wrong. They're definitely hard for me to watch because I love animals so much, so seeing the bull getting speared and tourmented its hard to watch. But as for the actual fighting part with the matador and his cape. I think that part is amazing. All the different moves and bravery that is shown is such great entertainment. The guts it must take to litteraly kneel a foot in front of the bull and throw your cape to teh side and just stare into the bulls eyes, has to be significant. The other thing I really liked about it was that everyone dresses up really fancy and they only serve wine and sangria. All the men wear nice pants, a tucked in button up shirt, nice shoes, and then a sweather over the shoulders. Talk about preppy. And the women all wear the big hats and nice dresses or fancy cloths as well. You wouldn't think people get so dressed up to watch a bull get killed.
As for the killing of the bull part, the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, outlawed the killing of the bull in the arena. Almost everyone here hates the guy, he has the worst approval ratings I've ever heard of. But because its such huge tradition for the matador to kill the bull as the finish of the fight, everyone who is a supporter of bull fighting is out raged. Anyways so I actually don't mind it because there no way I would be able to watch that. Other than the bull fights I went out alot to concerts with my friends and family. Had some nice family dinners with my grandparents who came up for the weekend as well. Played lots of cards and had a great time. Now back to reality in school and such. But no worries. Two weeks and its christmas vacation. Count downs begun.

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