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Thursday, November 17, 2011

3 Months

wow. I cannot believe that I have been here for over 3 months now. It's the weirdest feeling. I feel like I've been here for a a few weeks, maybe a month, but when I think about everything I've done and experienced it feels like a whole yeah. It's mind blowing for me. But my update is very good. Having a great time ( as always) but now with tennis and actually being able to participate in other activities because I understand whats going on is a huge moral boost for me. For the language they say 3 months and you shoudl be good, as I mentioned in an earlier post, but I must say its definitely more than that. I mean the improvement is amazing when I think about it. I can actually hold a conversation with someone or a few people and understand almost everything they say and can say almost anything i was too. Still when I'm in a group of people it's hard to get everything and keep up but it's coming along. In school, unfortunately, I can actually understand the majority of the material being taught so if I'm scared to actually do the work cause then they might give me more cause they know I understand. So I use the I don't understand card sometimes. But I actually have taken some tests and done some work (for the teachers I like) and they really respect that and see my effort in class so that's all fine. Still the chemistry teacher is making my life harder than it should be. She got mad at me today actually cause I was working on work she assigned a while ago but I've been plugging away at it but it's pretty hard in spanish. And she said to me what happened 3 months and you'll be with the normal class doing all the normal work. Well lady it doesnt work like that, Its not like 3 months and snap your fingers and I can speak and understand perfect spanish. But whatever, i have the support of all my classmates so thats nice. With some other teachers when they want to ask me something they still ask who speaks good english and can translate. I get kind of offended because I can understnad everything shes saying but I usually just do what she says before they translate it and the teachers always look dumb founded. ANYWAYS I cannot believe that my exchange is almost a 3rd the way done. I still feel like I just got here and am getting started. Amazing how time flys when your having fun. Now as for the actual activity of my 3 month anniversary two days ago, I went to the Ecuador vs. Peru world cup qualifying soccer match. I went with about 20 other exchange students so of course it was an absolute blast. Its at the same stadium I went to a while ago and i wrote about with picture below. But because it's ecuador, it unites everyone and EVERYONE wears the ecuador jersey which is a bright yellow so the whole stadium, besides the small section for the other team, is bright yellow. It's a really cool sight. So we all painted our faces and bought jerseys and went all out for the game. I learned all the chants for ecuador and all of that good stuff. As for the game, Ecuador won 2-0 which was great. Everytime they score everyone throws their beer and you get drenched in beer. Its a little gross but at the same time its part of going to the game so its all in good fun. So that was a great day cause I also got to skip school for the game. But 3 months in and i wouldnt change a thing. Being here I think a lot of home or friends as would be expected, and when I think of some of the best memories I have of vermont, my family, friends, and even harwood, I always ask myself if I had the chance would I go back to relive it and relive everything in between then and now. They may be amazing times of my life, but the answer is always no. I love where I am now in life and I wouldn't ever want to change that.

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