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Monday, January 2, 2012

Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo!

          Christmas??? It really snuck up on me. Time flies when you’re having so much fun. And that’s really the word that describes this year, fun. Among a load of other words such as; amazing, spectacular, unbelievable, eye-opening, incredible, and definitely unforgettable. I’ve realized recently that I think almost everyone should take a year abroad or at least a part of a year. The things that I have learned and will learn are plentiful. The things I’ve seen have given me new viewpoints. And this experience has just simply changed me. All of these things are for the better and can benefit anyone who is willing to embrace them. I will, until the day I die, tell and strongly encourage people to travel for a period of time, preferably when they’re younger. In the case of an exchange, not many people can say that they have had more than one family in their lives. And even fewer can say they’ve had more than one family in their lives that they love. And this is the case I feel like for most exchangers. Of course some people don’t get a long with their families and might not be the best of times when you’re living there. But once you can step out and look back on your year living with a different family I guarantee you can thank them for everything they did for you and taught you.
          As for the Christmas festivities, they were plentiful. Because its almost 100% catholic here, its an extremely important holiday. They have Novena which is the nine nights before christmas the whole family gets together at someones house and celebrate. It includes readings from various books and then playing music and eating. It's completely focused on the kids, as they do all the readings and have the small instruments to play along with and sit in the center of everyone. The first night as the book was coming my way I was like they wont make me read. Wrong. I had to get up in front of my huge family and read this passage in spanish about baby jesus. It was the first time I think I had to read spanish in front of a group of people. Although i was a bit nervous it felt really good. So each night was that and then they celebrate christmas on christmas eve. So we all got together and my grandmothers house and my god, i've neer seen so many presents. Theres so many kids and people in teh family it makes sense, but still, wow. The presents literally were pilled up past half the height of the tree. It was absurd. It only took an hour to get through them all though, i was expecting at least 2 hours. Anyways so that was a really fun night. And then christmas day they dont do anything which was a little weird for me. But it was cool to be in something different than im used to. Then new years. Oh my goodness, what fun. New years here is a very family holiday actually. So the whole family got together again and it was incredible. Everyone was having so much fun dancing, singing, taking pictures, and jsut goofing around. They have all these funny little traditions here to bring good luck and wanted things in the new year. As for midnight though, nothing like i've ever seen before. Everyone goes out into the streets of the city and just parties and lights off fireworks. The ENTIRE city sky was lit up with fireworks. No matter where you looked you'd see fireworks, and big ones at that. And then they burn these life size dolls which symbolizes the old year and to get rid of all worries and bad things of the past year and to bring on the good fortune of the new year. Well i didn't know that they pack fireworks inside of these dolls as well, so when you jump over it (another tradition) fire crackers go off and its quite exilerating. Then the party goes all night long. So all in all I would have to say it was the best new years i think i've ever had. I loved the family aspect and just being with my family here is so much fun. Such a great experience.

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