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Friday, September 23, 2011

Language Camp!

From the beach
View from my balcony
Looking down from a restaurant
Oh my god, I have no idea where to start or even how. I literally have no words to describe how amazing the last week was. But I guess I'll try my best. So I got on the bus with about 30 other exchange students bright and early sunday morning and so began the fun. Instantly everyone was talking with everyone and laughing and having a good time on the 8 hour bus ride. I mentioned it in an earlier post i think but I think it's quite amazing that the instant you meet another exchange student you're friends. There's this connection of experiencing this new country and lfe together, it's really amazing. Anyways after a long but fun bus ride we got to Mompiche which is the region of beaches on teh coast and we were in the Royal Decameron Resort. I Had looked at some pictures of it online and was like wow this place is pretty nice, but I had no clue. This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been in my life i think. On top of that its all inclusive, so once we had that green bracelet we could do anything we wanted, well almost anything. The whole thing costed $320 for 5 days which at first I thought was alot until i realized how much we got to do here. Theres always buffets and different ethnical restaurants that you just walk in and eat as much as you want and walk out pretty much when ever you want. There's soda fountain machines you just help yourself too and everything you can think of. If I were to pay for all the food and drinks I had I would easily have used that 320 in only a few days. So other than that there were 7 pools, 3 hot tubs, 6 bars, 4 restaurants, 2 tennis courts, an amphitheatre, a small movie theather, a discoteca, 3 different beaches to go too and then the normal accomidations of a hotel. So needless to say this place was out of this world. But what made it so much fun wasn't all these perks, but it was the 68 other exchange students I got to spend the week with. I don't know why but all exchange students no matter from where are so much fun just love life. It's so great to hang with them because there's never no laughter or smiles, it's alwasy happiness.
A small group of us

2 of the 7 pools

It wasn't all fun and games all week either, we did have 7 hours of spanish class a day. It started out slow because there weren't really any levels to the groups, just split into 5 different groups. So it started really basic with stuff I learned 4 or 5 years ago but it picked up and it was more of a good review for me all week but still really helped my spanish. So that was good. With the common language being english through all the students, it was used a lot between eachother. I tryed to use as much spanish as I could because I've been told over and over my other exchange students in the past that to no get sucked into speaking english with the other exchange students. It was hard though because this beeing our first meeting a lot of people aren't able to speak in spanish yet because it's early in the year, but I still spoke with the people who could respond and only spoke english if they didn't understand. The weather was okay, nothing special. It was cloudy and little rainy a few days and then beautiful a few days. A very comfortable temperature, nothing too hot but it was still warm enough to always want to cool off in the pool or ocean. I would feel safe saying the ocean was warmer than a few of the pools, it was amazing. The second best thing of this place just below being with all the exchange students was the dancing. If you're reading this you probably know that I love to dance. Well this place is one big dance party. There's ALWAYS music playing and theres dance classes on the main pool deck 5 times a day. You just join the group dancing with the instructors in the front. I have come to a conclusion that I was born to live south america because of the dancing. It's all the dancing that I love to do in the states. Its the fluid salsa, samba from brasil, rumba from cuba, and just the constant wave like motion in the body accompanied with the quick feet is perfect. When I would dance at the front of teh group just behind the instructors people would come up after and ask me when the next session was or about some step because they thought I was one of the instructors, it was great. One of the men that was teaching told me I was the best gringo dancer to come that he's seen, so i was quite proud of myself. Along with teh classes there are shows every night that are something different in the amphitheatre. It's usually somehting to do with dancing but not always. One night it was all the latin american dances, another night was danced from around the world, another night was a game show thing, and another night was another game show. But all the shows are by the same group of dancers. During the day this group of staff is helping out around the resort and then take breaks to do  dance classes and then at night become the stars. I want that job so bad. Maybe one day I'll go back and ask for it. All in all though I came out of this week with a tonnnnn of stories, awesome memories, a little bit better spanish, but most of all, a great group of new friends from all around the world.

One a many beautiful sunsets

Another sunset


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