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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What just happened?

Time flies when you're having fun...the greatest year of your life. I am writing this update almost exactly half way through my exchange, give or take a day. Where did time go? I know I say this every post I make but it still feels like I haven't been here all that long. But at the same time I feel as if this is my life and I'm not on vacation anymore. So I have a little bit of the both feelings. Yeah, it's weird. The update is the same, having the most fun ever. I love this life. As for actual happenings, nothing too out of the ordinary of just living here. Since christmas and new years its been pretty low key. Just going to school and hanging with friends. I had one of those feelings though as I was playing Ecu-volley (a version of volleyball only played in ecuador) in this amazing setting with a backdrop to die for. The feeling was as if time literally stopped and i was just standing there looking at my life and where i am physically and where i am mentally. Almost like an out-of-body experience. But if i had to put a finger on what it was that i was feeling, i would say love. Love for my family here, and back home, friends here, friends back home, and love for myself. Simply love for this beautiful country and place that I have this amazing privilege to be in. I've had a few of these intense feelings before but never this strong. And i think that's due to my ever growing connection with where I am as i grow as a person as well. I also have these thoughts of what if I didn't take this year? Where would I be? What would I be doing? But the most thought provoking is Who would I be? One of the times I was thinking of this recently a song came on my itunes. It was Other Ways by Trevor Hall. If you haven't heard it, listen to it The chorus goes like this. "Well I think about all the other ways I could've played, All the other simple moves I could've made, All the other cards that I could've dealt, All the books I didn't read upon my shelf, All the other ways I could've sung my songs, I've realized that none of it went wrong, It was all play, How could it be any other way?" I was like wow, thats perfect. That's what I was thinking about, all the other things I could have done and where would I be because of them. But I always come back to the same result, I did it all right because I love where I am in life.
          As for what I'm looking forward to more than anything at the moment is my next Rotary trip on friday. We're going to the Amazon for 4 days. It looks incredible. We're split into smaller groups and the first group just got back and I've been looking at all their pictures and it's driving me crazy because I just want to be there right now. But it's only 2 more days so it'll come soon enough. I be sure to put of photos and tell you guys all about it when I come back next week.

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