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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here we go

Today was a great day full of realizations. It started off with going to my school with my family to get my uniform and school materials. The school is amazing, its so beautiful and unique. The uniforms are pretty great as well. Great colors and its pretty casual so it's nice. My brother Juan showed me around the school and I met some of his friends and teachers. After that we went book shopping for all the books we all needed for school. This took quite a while because some of the stores didn't have some of the books so it was a lot of driving around the city. So it was nice to get to see the city for the first time. It's quite beautiful. We got home kinda late because of traffic and stopping to say hello to family and friends. Later though I went out with Juan and all his friends so I finally got to make some friends of my own outside the family. WOO first friends! They were all so nice and friendly and loved trying to speak english with me as I tried speaking spanish to them. They are all in the same year as me and Juan, the last year, like a senior year, and a few of them are in my classes so it was nice to meet them before I go into school. Like I said before a lot of realizations hit me today like when we were getting my uniform just thinking about how this is what I'm going to wear for a year. And then driving around the city thinking how I'm so lost now but in a matter of months I'll probably know all these streets like the back of my hand. The best one though was hanging out with my new friends and realizing that these are the kids I'm going to be great friends with and become close with as I spend an entire year with them. School starts on thursday and I couldn't be more excited, mostly just to meet all these new people and to really dive head first into the beginning of this amazing year.

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