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Thursday, August 25, 2011

First day of school

I got to wake up to the lovely sound of guitars playing as my alarm went off at 5:50am. It should be a crime to have to wake up that early for school. But I got myself together, got some breakfast, packed my backpack and went to the bus stop with my mom (she was showing me where it was). I was kinda nervous at first waiting for the bus but my nerves were soon calmed after I got on the bus and found a few of the friends I made the other night were on the bus as well. One of them is in my class so I pretty much just followed her all day. Here they have the same class or group of kids for all of high school. So it's not like the American system where each class has different kids in it. You travel as one unit to each class, so this is going to help with making more friends because I'm going to spend every day with the same kids. Anyways after I got off the bus I got a little nervous again thinking about classes and how I'm probably not going to understand anything. And I had all these questions floating around in my head. From whether or not the teachers would be nice and lenient with me because I won't understand anything to if everyone's going to stare at me no matter where I go (which they did but I'm over it already). My day consisted of biology, english, chemistry, math, and history. I barely understood biology, only the diagrams and numbers, I completely understood english class which was great, i surprisingly understood a lot in chemistry, most of math because it's numbers, and almost none of history. It definitely helped though that I've already taken all these classes so I might not understand exactly what the teachers/students are saying, but I can connect the dots to form something I already learned. They don't have a lunch period like I'm used to, its just a longer break in between classes that you can go to the snack bar and get some food. Everyone just hangs out outside in between classes wheres there's about a 10 minute break. The school is really beautiful and I love how everything is outside. There are no hallways in this place because all the classrooms face out. So it's just a bunch of courtyards, basketball courts, and grass to sit and walk through from class to class. If it's not already tiring enough to go to school, I can't tell you how tiring it is to constantly be listening to a different language and trying to translate the entire time. Even when I had no clue what was going on, I'd still be listening in for words I know. It's really hard to just tune it out. I just can't wait until I can understand what's going on around me. Three months is what most people say until you can understand for the most part. So I'll make sure to write a three month update from today and see if I met the goal.

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