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Friday, October 14, 2011

bump in the road

Okay okay, I know it’s been a long time since my last post. I get so busy here and just get caught up in life and I forget to write in here sometimes. Anyways nothing out of the ordinary in the last few weeks. Just school, friends, and family for the most part. Oh I did start dance classes with a few other fellow exchange students that live near me. It’s salsa and hip hop which I think are the two greatest types of dances out there to be honest, so that’s really fun. It’s also really good exercise for me which I’ve been lacking since I’ve been here. Just from doing a little exercise though like in gym class for instance, I get winded really fast. The altitude really affects you and you don’t realize it until your moving around and you just get really tired really fast. But already since I got here I can feel a difference in becoming more accustomed to it. I should have great stamina when I return home. Another kind of interesting event was the Ecuador vs. USA soccer game the other day. It was only a friendly match meaning there wasn’t any world cup qualifying points up for stake, but still important none the less. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. In reality I didn’t care who won because it was a win for me either way, but still who do I root for? Well I was with a few other exchange students, none from the US, and we went to this mall to watch the game because they have a huge movie theater like screen in the food court. So lots of people were crowded in this place watching the game. I ended up rooting for the US because after all it is my home country. So I was the only one in this mob of Ecuadorian not rooting for Ecuador. So I would throw my hands up and get into it when US got close to scoring or a bad call or something like that. People were turning around and looking at me like I had 3 heads but it was all friendly, or at least I think. So when Ecuador scored everyone, and I mean everyone, turned to me and pointed and laughed or smiled which was a really funny moment. I knew they were all just joking around cause I was rooting for the US and I was talking to one of them sitting next to me so it was all in good fun. Ecuador ended up winning 1-0 if you didn’t know. Now onto a little more somber note, last week I have to admit I did get a little down and homesick for the first time. I was making a presentation of Vermont for my English class and I was going through all my pictures and just seeing all the pictures of Vermont it made me realize just how beautiful it really is. I’ve never taken for granted, but still now living in a big city makes me really miss that open landscape. Also my friends and family and everyone I just missed because it’s just now starting to sink in that I’m here for the year. It doesn’t feel like a vacation any more. It took two months for it to hit me.  Another part of the sadness was due to the lack of tennis playing. It sounds a little dumb, but most of you reading this know how much tennis means to mean and everything, and I’ve only played twice now in 2 months which is nothing at all. So I just got a little frustrated with not being able to just go play when I want like I can at home. I’ve put it out there as much as possible with all my connections and I’m just hoping something can work out to play more. As for the language it improving unlike anything else, it amazing. I can now pretty much hold a conversation with anyone one on one or in a small group. In the classroom or a bigger group of kids the words come so fast and topics change faster than I can keep up with so that’s still a little frustrating but it’ll come. Tomorrow I leave on another trip with Rotary for the week to Manabí. It’s the coastal region that I went to the first week I was here with my family. It another beach trip like Mompiche was but this time it’s all 145 exchange students in all of Ecuador so it is bound to be an absolute blast. I’ll be there for the week so I’ll check back in here when I get back. Hablamos pronto.

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