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Friday, February 24, 2012


Oh wow. This past week was carnival. Yes the same carnival that's so famous in Brasil, they also celebrate it in Ecuador. And its crazy. I went with my really good group of friends to one of their farms down south in Patate. They have like a second home out in this beautiful setting in a valley right at the base of a volcano. The volcano is the most active of all the volcanos in Ecuador. There's been two eruptions in the last 10 years. And at night you can see the lava at the very top, it was really cool. But as for this farm, it was amazing. Just when I think I see one of the most beautiful places ever, Ecuador shows even more beauty. This place never ceases to amaze me. This farm was about 200 acres and the majority of it was clementine trees. There was some other fruits and vegetables but tons of these clementine trees. So as you could imagine it was clementines for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between, they were so delicious. They also have a good amount of cows for milk, as well as a good amount of horses. So I got to ride horses again on this farm with all my friends and played games on them. We would go bareback riding in this field and then just try to push each other off, it was so hilarious. We also just rode all over this breath taking farm. As for the carnival part, they have a game called carnival. Its where you get everyone as wet, dirty, gross, and cold as you can. We played on teh farm with each other and other family members that were there. But the more fun is when we loaded up with a dumb amount of water balloons and buckets of water and got in the back of this truck then drove through town. When you go into town EVERYONE is wet or about to get wet. It was a massive water fight with random strangers, it was so much fun. When we were in the back of the truck we were trowing water balloons left and right and at the same time getting hit from balconies or from other on the street r other passing cars. It was so incredibly fun. They also have this silly string stuff but only its like shaving cream but shoots really far and thats really popular as well. And you play this all 4 days of carnival. When you go out in public on those days you wont come home dry, I promise you that. When we came back to Quito I don't think I had one set of dry cloths. It was too funny. Such a great thing to experience and be part of. Especially with my best of friends here. It made me realize how much Im going to miss them when I leave. As for some exciting news, my moms flys in tonight and is staying for 2 weeks. I'm so excited to see her. We're going to travel all around Ecuador for those two weeks and I'll finally get to show someone my life here and where  I live and what I'm doing. Its going to be a great time.

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